Astrological Research


I’m currently developing and testing a new way of using the astrological chart to determine an individuals Energetic Signature. Once my research is complete, I am collaborating with an app developer to create a technology that will easily lead a seeker toward their most resonant energy formula. This outlines and describes the areas of their life that they meet their fundamental human needs, and how they meet it most efficiently- from within toward the other, or from outside toward themselves. Not only can we become aware, and reprioritize our needs, we absolutely can satisfy and fulfill our needs using an individualized recipe, available on a simple app.

50 cases in, and now studying a specific slice of the population that has already expertly mapped their energetic field to test my findings against what they have already proven! So far, this is what my research is finding: 

  1. There are two ways people are evolving in consciousness. One way is a “Earth to Heaven” approach, and another is a “Heaven to Earth approach” (sometimes erroneously labeled “Narcissists” and “Empaths”)

  2. These two approaches have unique strengths and weaknesses, and a specific growth pattern.

  3. When we polarize to one side or the other, we create suffering on may levels.

  4. Some people are primarily one or the other, but most people have a combo of both

  5. This combo shows up in 6 primary areas of a persons life

  6. There are 6 key areas of focus in each person’s life

    1. Relationships (with ourself and others)

    2. Values (deep themes we move toward and away from)

    3. Wisdom (what we know and what we don’t and how we approach each)

    4. Purpose (the cause and effect)

    5. Gifts (the ways we give and receive)

    6. Medicine (specific health formula)

6. There are 6 needs that we must meet to not only satisfying our ego, but also to fulfill our soul

1. Unique and special Identity 

2. Stability of things we can count on

3. The ability to expand and grow

4. Feeling like we belong 

5. Excitement, novelty, and change

6. Meaningful service to self and others

7. All of this can be summarized specifically for each person based on the astrological birth chart, in 1 hour and create a dramatic shift right away. 

The data is a lot and can actually be mind blowing, So I created a webinar series to walk everyone through each bit of the data for deeper assimilation and integration. While I am no longer doing case studies for the general public, you can book a reading and get your personalized map by scheduling with me here:

In this reading over Zoom, you will learn your unique evolutionary pattern and have the tools to finally thrive in ALL areas of your life

I am also now leading a 6 part webinar series exploring each part of our lives, Relationships, Values, Wisdom, Purpose, Gifts, And Medicine, and dissect the lower and higher octaves of each part in how it relates to need fulfillment. Participants will use their maps to reflect on their personal needs and how this area is unfolding for them. 

I am raising money now for the app development! One of the ways I am doing this is by charging $300 for this webinar series. I feel this creates a WIN WIN WIN! You win by getting even more value and clarity, I will by funding deeper development of my passion purpose, and people we don’t even know win because they will be able to download an app that gives them personalized guidance towards fulfillment! What could be EVEN MORE AMAZING??!?  (I can think of a few things, actually! If you believe in my vision, and would love to support this project, or invest, LETS TALK even bigger numbers!) 

For now, here is a link to register for the webinar:

And here is a link if you would like to support this project in another amount, less or more!

Lets continue to create the world we would love to see into being! 

Christina Luna