Seven of Cups


The Seven of Cups provides us with liquid realities, where places we expected gravity to pull, it does not, and places where old programs of guilt and obligation would have otherwise bound us, we are feeling nothing but flow. Liquid running flow. 

There are so many choices available to us. Every turn presents another opportunity to choose. It seems that we have a responsibility to choose. RESPONSIBILITY. There is a word that may be haunting us at this time. Though this haunting is more like a spiritual urging rather that the old weight it once held. 

Our old way of choosing what we are responsible for, felt heavy in our bellies, ancient and unquestioned, but now we feel the loosening of those ties. 
What would happen to the world if I just stopped doing and being what I have always been? Would it really matter if I chose something new?

This third week of scorpio is finding us all wrung out, matured up, settled down, and hunkered in. The pressures and manipulations that tangled us in the past feel silly and absurd. We have integrated with so many fractured parts that in our wholeness, we can't be moved by anything but real authentic desire and passion, both of which are also in question. 

And that doesn’t even worry us. 

Our ability to stay in the present has been almost forced, to the point that we cant even remember why we ever veered off in the first place. Old crutches, coping mechanisms, and addictions are feeling stale. They just don’t hit the way they used to. We’ve had to get real. 

One way or another. 

This has been a time of serious wake up calls. These clear the bullshit pretty fast. And what’s left? CHOICES. 

Choose the new meanings now. Choose what is real, honest and true. There are infinite ways it can go. Pay attention to what is driving your decision making and consciously choose your own adventure. Our feet are on the threshold. 

So much love to you, fresh new whole ones.

Christina Luna