Nine of Wands

Things are finally about to get real, solid, and tangible. After the last two months of emotional upheaval, surprises, twists and turns of fate, we are moving into the earthly sign of Virgo where we will begin to see the outcomes of an incredible process we have been a part of. 

Back at the time of the summer solstice, we all had an opportunity to get really clear on something emotionally. This may have felt like “Ive had enough!” “This has got to change!” “I can’t continue living like this!” And could have been about things super close to home, or out in the world. “I feel the so deeply, I have to do something.” None of us were unscathed. 

In any case, our emotions gave a pretty stinging wake up call, and in that energy, we took and arrow from our quiver and pulled it back, aiming for a resolution and change. 

During the month of Leo, our arrow flew through all kinds of fire. It was tested and tempered. Will it hit the mark? What did I want again? WHY? It’s going to be so much work, do I still really want it? There are bigger fires to put out, am I really still pursuing this? 

So this week that arrow will be hitting land, like an asteroid hitting the moon. The smoke will soon clear. We will clear the charred woods and find it solidly in its target. And as we get closer to see where it has landed, we will be surprised to see how powerful an emotional intention can really be. 

This is a NINE of WANDS week. A week of finally recognizing that everything you have been wanting (even subconsciously) is in fact manifested. The reality you are now experiencing is a creation of your own. If the reality and tangibility of this week surprises you (or disappoints) think back to what you were intending emotionally back in the end of June. If nothing has changed, perhaps look at the beliefs and meanings you hold? That is what we create from. Not our wishes.

How do we feel when we finally start seeing what we want? After weeks of not really knowing what we even wanted, it might be a bit scary. Or DELIGHTFUL! Though I do suspect some sideways glances and questioning, “Is this real?” “Is it too good to be true?” “Can I let myself fully receive this, accept this?” 

Funny things happen inside when we get what we want. Don’t worry, we have four full weeks to integrate and take stock of this harvest. The smoke may still be too thick to even see yet. Mercury will reveal things first through our mental and communication process, but Mars and the others will soon make it realer. 

For now, try not let the past ruin this. Stay present with the new materialization and trust that things really can change. All people have gone through immense shifting. That includes the people you have had adversity with, those you love, Yourself as well. And when you change, everything is different. 

Your faith muscles are very strong now. Your tools sharpened. This is the time they were preparing you for. 

So much love to you, ever changing humans. 

Christina Luna