ACE of Swords


Welcome to the paradoxical line that pulls between the separate special self, and the reality that there is an OTHER. Our life is ready to reveal how we are to balance this. 

From the middle of March, the Spring Equinox, we have been preparing the self for a shift. Through Aries, we asserted a new identity for ourselves and arrived in our lives passionately prepared and stepping toward a dream.

Through Taurus we recognized the actions and built the groundwork for bringing this new identity into fruition. Small measurable steps were taken, seeds planted and nurtured, and weeds removed to ensure a careful harvest. 

As Gemini season arrived, we took a mental initiative and began to learn, speak, and share our plans with others, as a way of testing their validity. Gemini welcomes feedback, a way to course correct, and tweak to ensure the information is taking us toward the passionate dream we are headed toward. 

Once Cancer season hit, we dug into a new emotional depth that shook loose any ego attachment we had for this dream. Humbly, we faced our fears and shadows and were tested through our passionate heart’s endurance to see if our soul was TRULY into this dream, and what parts were merely vanity. 

Leo added an extra layer of fuel to our fire and transformed what remained after the Cancer wash, into viable energy. The sun poured relentlessly on our garden of creation and we had to have faith that whatever was growing was what we really wanted. There was no going back. The machine was on autopilot. 

We hit Virgo season with a pretty abrupt wakeup! WHAT DID WE FIND when the dust settled? How did our garden fare? Did we really do the work this time, or was our harvest MEH at best? Some of us had some rude awakenings. Some felt love and gold poured all over them like honey. All of us reaped what we nurtured. 

What do we have to bring to the collective table? Weeds? Fruit? Love? Compassion? Wisdom? Fear? Laughter? Grace? Probably a soup of many ingredients, and hopefully we can be courageous enough to share it, no matter what it tastes like.

Because now we are in Libra. Time to look the other in the eye, share our gardens with each other, and trust that our special sauce that is us, will be received by those who actually enjoy it. There is not time to doctor this soup. It is what it is. Raw and ready. And it’s time to be honest with others. If we don’t like the flavor of their soup, simply choose not to eat it. 

Things are that simple. We are showing up at face value to the other now. No masking is possible (that’s a fishy ingredient that we will all be able to sniff out anyway, so don’t even try.)  We all have seasoned palettes and our boundaries are this easy to discern: I enjoy the flavor of your company, or I do not. Get picky because we CAN. No need to devour soups that don’t nourish us. We know that it will nourish someone else that needs that type of flavor. Lets not be greedy. 

HOW does the Ace of Swords play in to this? It is time for our mind to be a servant to our heart.  Use our judgment to discern what stays and what goes. We are entering the forest of community and relationship. Knowing ourselves is of the utmost importance when we begin choosing who we will spend the winter with. We have learned so much. USE YOUR MIND as a SERVANT to YOUR HEART. 

SO much LOVE to you, BRAVE new partnerships. 

Christina Luna