Two of Swords

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We have to make a decision. Regardless of all of the external evidence you see in your life, how things look on paper, the way things worked before, your carefully rationalized prediction of how things may go moving forward, we just have to stop, take a few deep breaths, and ask ourselves how we really feel about our current situation, or any others we perceive outside of us as a reflection of what is inside. If you are being triggered by what is going on out there, its an opportunity to hear something speak from deep inside. There is a reason for the external play. Decipher what that is for you personally.

This Two of Swords week, the second week of Libra, has some deep themes surfacing, with Pluto turning direct and Venus preparing to retrograde. Libra, elementally a Cardinal Air sign, is asking us to use our mind to penetrate our interactions with others and ourselves, to determine  what we trust. TRUST is something that comes from the heart. Trust is something that comes from within. Trust is earned through observing and honoring boundaries, weather these are our own boundaries or the boundaries we set with others. 

This week close your eyes and really get clear on where those boundaries are for you. Do you honor your own boundaries? Do you even know what they are? 

While Venus retrogrades through Scorpio for the next 6 weeks, we are going to really have to harmonize with these inner boundaries in order to take deeper steps toward intimacy with others. Trust is a theme that shows up in all of our relationships, and deeply within our own body, when we are really listening to our spirit, our mind, emotions, and body. 

The last 6 months has given us all a great schooling to help us cultivate this with in ourselves. Now is the time to put it in to practice. 

The actions we take now are setting the foundation for the next leg of our journey. As we all know, actions taken against our own integrity in can have far reaching consequences. Get clear on what that integrity is NOW, and act accordingly. Its likely to be a bit of a dance. The greatest being the dance between your mind and your heart. 

So much love to you, Integrity Filled Dancers,

Christina Luna 

(I’ll be posting an expanded look at what each of the signs is dancing with personally in my Video LunaScopes! Be sure to follow me on Youtube if you want to go deeper. I post short daily readings, expanded looks at the moon’s phases and monthly personalized readings for each sign. Thank you for your support and continued growth! These are epic times!)