NINE of Wands


There are two energy streams for this week. We still have much to learn: 

  1. It’s like we are very near to the ending of a course we have been taking for years, maybe lifetimes, and with our “graduation” so near, we are making the decision that we don’t just want to finish the course, we want to be teaching it. This would require more schooling, for sure, a pretty heavy commitment considering we are so close to the end and all. But we had the breakthrough and now we are seeing this “course” from a completely different perspective. We see that there is a difference between Competing and Mastering. We see how much it has served us and we want that for others. The shift has us recognizing the true gift and becoming willing to do what ever it takes to help others receive it as well. Deep inside we know that true mastery comes from being and teaching anyway. 

  1. There is compassion coming from the natural earth. We have tried so many things, so many “medicines” at this point, we finally are gaining a level of competency as to what to use and when. We see that some powerful applications given at a less optimum time, are more like a poison than a balm, and we are beginning to have greater discernment as to what to use when. This is symbolized by a man and a woman coming to a healer for medicine. The woman says the man is very sick and shows the healer what she has been giving him. The healer observes right away the the woman, too, is sick and she has been giving the man the medicine she herself needs, and it is making him sicker. She instructs the woman to take her own medicine and the man to take something totally different. All parties are very grateful to have the wisdom of unbiased and trained eyes. 

During this 9 of Wands week, take stock of the things you have nearly mastered. Things you think you may know a lot about, but deep down KNOW that you have a bit more to learn.  Ask yourself truly, what is required of me now to take me to that next level? Do I strive for mastery in my life in some area? Will it serve others if I become a master at this? Perhaps, this is eluding to becoming a master of yourself even, not some external thing you do. Are you willing to be humble enough to recognize that there is still work to do? And can it come from a well of desire to serve? 

So much love to you, students of life.