Ten of Wands


As we head in to the final few weeks of the quarter, the 10 of WANDS, completion, the LAST bit of fire for this year, it is time to let our fires of Passion, Vision, Intensity, Focus, and Intention burn a path to the next leg of our journey. The ARROWS we drew back from our mind’s eye in Libra, sailed, protected through the waters of Scorpio, gained momentum though the tempering of our soul’s journey through the underworld of our foundation, and has emerged, still AFLAME! Still closing nearer and nearer to our target. 

As it does this week, the last bit of dross is burning off. For it to continue to sail cleanly to its target, we must unburden it further. It is time to put the bundles down. These bundles are the stories we are still barley holding up from our past. We are being tested this week to see if these old stories will continue to hold water, or ignite fire for us moving forward. 

It may feel seductive to carry your old story. It may be charming, safe, familiar, and could arrive with all sorts of charm and delicious gifts of promise. Everything about this story may look good on paper, but you may notice that it comes along with other things. Its a bit of a bundle. There is a bit of dampness to this bundle. In fact, it is over saturated. The candles won’t light, the matches are wet. The water is a bit chilly and the flowers are not quite as fragrant as you would hope. Ask yourself: Who is it serving when I hold this bundle? What would happen if I put it down? Who would be effected?

Why carry these old stories when we have the opportunity to strip down, get light, and follow our arrows of intention, with focus and power and curiosity! Slip off the inhibition, the last bits of the old. If they are meant for you, they will come back around to you, alchemized and changed themselves, on fire with new life, glowing after being purified by this Sagittarian FIRE! And give yourself the same gift. It is your birthright to reinvent yourself. Your essence can never be lost, only the bundles that buffer us from it. 

So much love to you, Glorious and Brave Arrows. 

Christina Luna