Eight of Wands

Passion is a funny thing. For those of us who have a lot of fire, we can easily pour ourselves into several “passion projects” becoming pretty great at a multitude of things, able to serve with so many tools, yet have a hard time actually focusing and applying all of our gifts into a single direction. This can leave us feeling scattered. This drains the fire and can lead it to go out, so we are then driven to find something new, exciting and challenging to create that fiery passionate feeling again. 

You may notice that this week, all of your scattered passions can actually be turned toward the same direction. That random skill you picked up, that thing you read about obsessively five years ago that you set down once you reached a semi level of mastery, all of the silly pet projects you fantasized about creating a business around, these seemingly unrelated excitements are all very important and make up the fabric of your unique flavor of service. 

You are a multifaceted crystal of expression.

You have gifts in combinations that no other human possess. 

You can connect with people in creative ways that will shift perspectives, open hearts and dial in love. 

Do not hide.

Turn all of your random beauties toward service. Toward sharing and playing and singing and speaking and making and dancing with others!  

Let what you do and are and become be the medicine that brightens the world and brings it to wholeness!! 

You are not a “jack of all trades” but instead a MASTER OF BEING YOU! The 8 of wands, this eclipse in Leo, this beautiful “Lion’s Gate” its all just a cyclical conspiracy to get you to see how incredible you are in all of your unique glory, AND TO CELEBRATE THAT! 


After last week, discovering the wand that remained through adversity, I have turned all of my wands toward one cohesive direction. All my pet passions, creative inclinations, playful fantasies, combined them all and see how they are a gift of being me. See yours as well. See yourself. 

You are so beautifully unique!! The spectrum is dazzling! I love you all so much! 

Christina Luna