Seven Wands

What a week, eh? When I started these Lunascopes, I was operating on a hunch, (a deep gut passion, actually, that I wanted to test and prove to myself) that the 52 Minor Arcana of the tarot, with its 4 suits, elements, numerology, hero’s journey, would lay neatly and meaningfully over the natural evolution of a year. Logically, it makes sense: 52 cards = 52 weeks, 4 suits = 4 elements, 13 cards from ace to king = 13 weeks per quarter, aces on the equinoxes and solstices, court cards at the mutable signs to show maturing and endings of the quarter, Logically, its all very neat and tidy. 

So, I laid the cards down in a big circle and decided I would just write on the energy of each card each week to see how it corresponded with the energy and astrology and the natural progression of the seasons. Simple. 

What I didn’t know or expect was how deeply I would be extended an opportunity to feel these stories. I have chosen, by taking up this practice, to fully step in to living the hero’s journey first hand, to take responsibility, and to trust the cycles. 

I started a passion project in the fire of Aires season, grew plants in my secret garden for the first time in my life in earthy Taurus, taught a class during Airy Gemini,  faced my fear of water during the watery cancer, and walked on fire during fiery Leo. AND SO MUCH MORE. 

Why am I sharing this now? Because this week I discovered a deeper layer to this, and my mind has been blown. I know that meaning is what we make it, and that we get experience what we focus on. I know that there are infinite ways of experiencing life. I know this stuff, but NOW I BELIEVE it. I feel it. I have proven it. My life this week proved it to myself. And before it did, I couldn’t even write. Lost all my fire. Started to question the whole concept. Thank god that that was part of my process too. 


And this is what the 7 of wands energy is about this week. It’s about being pushed to the edge of your tolerance threshold to see what you still hold on to deeply in your soul. What are you made of when your life seemingly corners you with circumstances that seem, on one end of the spectrum, insurmountable, or on the other, to completely lack passion or hope (key word is SEEM). 

We have six planets retrograde, pulling back all the bullshit. You are left holding one TRUE passionate WAND. (look at the traditional imagery of 7 of wands and you will see what I mean). This is the deep knowing that stands up to all the adversity, all the naysayers, the bullshit, the circumstantial evidence that something is lost for good. 

What wand are you left holding? What passionate truth? 

This is your unique fire and light. One you don’t have to defend or prove to anyone. Let everything else shrivel away, and start building again from this one thing. (Hint: its going to have to do with either LOVE (Venus) or Growth (Jupiter) or both, and will likely require you to get more vulnerable and authentic, to really bear your heart, and do the deep work of relationship.) 

So much love to you, Courageous Heroes. 

Christina Luna