Five of Swords

Now we have washed over, through this fiery blood wolf moon eclipse, on to the shore of our new life, and we see we are holding swords. This is a Five of Swords week, and our choices for how we use these swords has never been more important. ARE YOU FEELING A BIT COMBATIVE? A bit Fired UP? Ready to slay some MO FOs? Maybe on the outside you are super chill (good for you) but if anything got stirred or triggered up over the last two weeks, now is THE optimum time to use your sharp swords of focus, to DECIDE to cut off thought forms and behaviors that create this dynamic all together. 

The temptation is to look for some external enemy, some dangerous foe that we can bear our sword against- PROTECT the new life you have worked so hard to envision and nurture!!- however, any external villain you find will simply be a worthy opponent to show you areas you will now push into to grow, to become the person that will live your new epic dream life. 

What is the expression? “Never look a gift horse in the mouth?” WTF does this mean in the context of the Five of Swords? 

First of all: If you agree that your life is happening for you, and you are not a victim to your circumstances, nor to yourself, then any situation, pressure, accident, conflict, fear, sadness, or any other unpleasant occurrence is quite simply a gift. A gift to help bring your internal conflict to the surface - A conflict that persists due to a faulty belief that things should be different than they actually are. It may take a bit of circling to grasp this in our personal situations, but with a bit of a deep breath and a hard real look at the bigger picture, we know. 

Next: we can be grateful for this gift!! In this expression, receiving a horse as a gift would truly be something to be grateful for! We can USE OUR MINDS to allow ourselves to find the gratitude in how easily this gift helps us feel something (thank you HEART!) When we feel something intensely, we can make new decisions! What a gift! 

Also: Looking this horse in the mouth would be to try to find flaws in the gift, rather than doing the work to look internally to find the roots of our own feelings about this gift. WE CANT SCAPEGOAT THE GIFT! Well, we can, but this almost guarantees we will get more gifts JUST LIKE THIS ONE!! YAY!! How abundant and generous!! 

So, here we are, swords in hand. What does winning look like for you? Slaying all the gift horses with bad teeth that make us feel fired up, angry, insecure, guilty, sad, hopeless, or bored? Do you think you can slay THEM ALL?? How long will it keep the discomfort away? Hmmmm? Good question. 

Maybe we just use the swords to draw a thick line in the sand, a line that says, “I will not engage in these types of thoughts or behaviors ANYMORE, but instead CHOOSE to put my powerful mind to good use by seeking within myself the source of my discomfort, rather that blaming something outside of me!” Perhaps we use these swords to create sharp boundaries in our minds, creating mental strength and discipline. (NOTE: Self blame is another pitfall here. We are not victims PERIOD. We just have beliefs that may hurt, but CAN change.) 

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. This means for the next month we have access to, and will be challenged to decide if our fixed beliefs about how things “should” be is really true. Great time to bust out Byron Katie’s “THE WORK,” or to do some shadow work with your local Shaman (I know a few, FYI). 

So much LOVE to all of US, Sharp Discerners of Truth. (hint, if it feels really shitty, its probably not 100% true)

Christina Luna

(P.S. Life is much more fun than we sometimes recognize! CHANGE can be exhilarating!)