Three of Pentacles

What are you choosing to indulge: Fear or Faith? Last week we were tested. In fact, the tests continue this week, during this eclipse window, that closes on the 21st. For the last 10 years we have been learning, growing, practicing our skills. The last 10 years have felt intense, but they were only preparing us for this time right now. This test of sink or swim. Can We use what we have learned in this time of great tests? Can we choose to focus on the faith and "practice what we preach,” or will we drown in a swirl of indulgent fear, hungry ghosts from our past, empty calories of manipulative relating to get our needs met? 

The fear is so seductive, but it tastes like greasy fast food, and feels like it after.

As We are seeing, the consequences of our choices between fear and faith are immediate. Once we choose a mode of thought, more gets piled on in an instant. Manifesting instantly. In the case of fear, we may be feeling, ‘this just keeps getting worse!’ And it does. 

But in the case of faith, we see the synchronistic waves quicken and incredible, magical feeling circumstances begin to take us into a space that we almost don’t even recognize, didn't think could ever exist!! Connections with incredible people, coincidences that feel too meaningful to ignore, imaginative desires fulfilled inexplicably within minutes. It’s absolute paradise on earth. Paradise among the exact same circumstances that others are experiencing as hellish. 

How can heaven and hell exist on the same earth simultaneously? FEAR and FAITH. Choose your own adventure, and choose wisely because this is the week we set the foundation for the house we will live in for the next long cycle. 

The first week of December, during the two of Pentacles, we danced with and juggled our old fear based self and habits, seeing the gap between who we were and who we are now becoming. 

In the week that followed, three of pentacles, We checked the blueprints and plans to be sure we are building what we really want. After entering the eclipse window on the 5th, the tests began. Do you remember tests when you were in school? This test last week was open book. You could call a buddy. You could look at your notes, but the most grace happens when you settled in to the question and really work it though from your own wisdom. You have a lot of wisdom in your body from the work you have been doing to grow. If you are reading this, we have been in the same freaking school! It’s been incredible and hard, rewarding and humbling, joyful and completely ego dissolving. This test likely covers all of that. And the faith muscles have built are being put to the test fully, stretched farther than ever before. 

This week, the four of pentacles, we are laying the foundation for the house we will build this whole year. This house will become our life for the next long cycle. OUR FOUNDATION SHAPES EVERYTHING. If you are struggling in this time, swirling in fear, touch back to your faith. Reach out to a friend. Get clear on what you are believing that is creating this feeling. This is the week that you can turn it all around. The eclipse window closes this weekend. Our foundations will be set. We will be sleeping in whatever bed we make. Make it paradise. 

Can you love EVEN MORE? Can you be present EVEN MORE? Can you trust EVEN MORE? Can you believe EVEN MORE?

So much love to you, FAITH FILLED Brothers and Sisters. 

Christina Luna

(For the Four of Pentacles, I will be doing a live talk about this on FB LIVE Friday at noon pacific time. I’ll share examples and the turning point shifts that I have experienced and witnessed in others that bridged the gap from sinking fears to brilliant faith. These nuggets may serve you.)