Two of Pentacles

In this new year, new moon, solar eclipse, two of pentacles week, we have had a solid opportunity to dance with our past selves and past momentum. The shifts have been incredible and we have all made such powerful turns. The best way to allow ourselves to see how we have grown is to tango with our shed skins. Did you see how your new mindset was briefly challenged this past week? Did you get one last hurrah to be sure (for sure for sure) that we are done dancing with that old lifestyle? How did it feel? 

This dance may have catalyzed a final purge, or confirmed a pretty bit push toward your new you, but it is clear that things have changed, and they won’t change back. 

Who are you doing this dance and juggling act for anyway? Do you still give power to an outside authority, or have you come to trust your Inner Guidance, Universal Grace, and the Authority of Love to be your directive? WHAT HAS AUTHORITY FOR YOU? 

How do you know the difference? 

  • Do you catch yourself changing your authentic behavior to avoid conflict? 

  • Are you feeling deeply called to take action A, but feel obligated to take action B? 

  • Are you still negotiating your now to be happier in a future time?


  • Are you feeling able to take inspired action in the present moment without questioning if its going to be “OK”?

  • Do you trust that everything that is happening, pleasant or unpleasant, is happening for you and you are curious to discover how?

  • Is it exiting to just feel your feelings and speak your truth and behave in your nature, knowing that its aligned with your innate wisdom and that it will lead to exactly where you are destined to go? 

Another sure fire way to tell if you are guided by and internal authority vs. and outer: with inner authority, you have absolutely no need to rebel. If you do feel rebellious, consider the authority you wish to rebel against? How did it come to have power over you? What does it look like to simply take that power back? How would you change?

This is the dance of the Two of Pentacles. The old fear based mentality, and the new grace based faith. Step into one side of the coin, then the other, and see how they each feel. Your observations with inform the next steps of your journey. 

So much love to you, Divine Dancers.

Christina Luna