Eight of Swords

“Circumstances do not matter. Only state matters.” -Bashar

This can be a highly wired week. Lots of interesting challenges to show us where we are still growing. Big decisions about commitment, authority, alliance, trust and faith. We have some spiritual weight lifting to do, and it’s going to take every all we can muster. 

How much more Dynamic can we get? We have identified that where we are going will require a team of some sort and we cant’t just do everything ourselves like we always have. We have been feeling into all the limitations we hold to merging with others, the protective reflexes, and our little inner self talk prompts that hep us deal with the hard work of trusting. We are overcoming the tendency to laterally shift rather than personally grow in to the team member that we need to become to make it work, and now we taking RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY. 

Our relationships, our financial situation, our health, and everything else, is a DIRECT MIRROR of US. 

How could this be? It can be a bit hard to see it at first. Self inquiry can be tricky. 

Here is a short cut: If you are in one place, and you want to be in another, the bars that are keeping you stuck, are actually your keys. 

Each bar is an excuse. Excuses are beliefs you believe. You MUST be RIGHT about everything you believe. That is why beliefs feel like bars. We don’t question the things we have to be right about. BAM. 

This is a great time to investigate every single excuse in your arsenal. Deeper inquiry is the path to our liberation from these imaginary cages we so carefully have crafted to keep us from changing. 

The eight of swords is all about blindfolds (Unquestioned Perception) and chains (Untaken Actions). Maybe asking ourselves why we like it all tied up in the first place is a good place to venture. What does this binding afford you? Hmm. 

So much love to you, Magical Escape Artists! 

Christina Luna