Seven of Swords

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Feel like you need to steal away? Slip from that conversation? Avoid that conflict? Feel like you would rather just move than deal with the mess? The energy of this week can definitely spark a few extreme impulses and ego decisions if we are lacking a healthy balance between healthy boundaries and clear communication in relationships to self and others. 

Anger and projection are highly likely If the balance has been disturbed. It is easy to justify extreme and quick judgment calls and actions when we decide another is responsible for honoring a boundary that we have let slip internally. 

Expect feedback this week. Our reflections are showing up loud and clear. 

This is a threshold week. In any growth cycle there are a few recognizable steps. First we feel hungry and eager to fill ourselves with our new situation. Next, we must satiate this hunger to the point that we actually don’t want to take any more of it in. This grows to a dissatisfaction or discomfort, as nothing seems to feel passionate or fulfilling anymore. Soon the dissatisfaction reaches a peak and that is the threshold point where we have an opportunity to make a change! 

It is this threshold point that is pivotal in getting leverage on ourselves to make change. THE CHOICE YOU MAKE IN THIS MOMENT DICTATES YOUR LATERAL OR VERTICAL SHIFT. 

How many lateral jumps have you made already? What does a vertical one look like for you? 

I am sure you recall a time in your life when you have started a new job or relationship that your feel absolutely hungry for at first, and you can’t get enough. Though eventually, the shiny new things wear off and the hunger diminishes. The work just becomes the daily grind. The relationship starts to remember the patterns of relationships past. STALE. Soon the situation gets even more uncomfortable. Resentments grow. Distaste. Loathing. Something has to change. 

If you decide it is the job, not you, or the partner, not you, that needs to change, you will likely reach this threshold and just leap to another thing that is going to be just like this one that you just jumped from. Sure it will look different, be shiny and new for a minute, but you will face the same pattern of satiation, dissatisfaction, and threshold soon enough, repeating the pattern and longing for the next new thing again. This is a lateral jump. The pain of this cycle will feel worse and worse till you break free from it. 



This week, this Seven of Swords week, see your impulse to deflect and steal away and avoid the deeper truths. Instead, take radical responsibility and grow yourself. 

So much love to you, courageous ones. 

Christina Luna

(If you would like deeper assistance with this, message me or comment below. I have a lot of content I am including in a webinar that I am putting together as a companion and wrap up to these LunaScopes, and I would love to invite you to it.)